The story: This one is Kourtney's brain child. She loves hot pockets and pizza rolls, but wanted to make them ourselves. Store bought pizza rolls aren't the healthiest thing, thus these beauties were born. The dough is the same as our samosa wrapper recipe. The main change is in the filling, and man what a filling it is!
The dish: Broccoli and Cheese hot pockets
the All purpose wrapper dough:
~ 2 cups of all purpose flour
~ Dash of salt
~ 10 tablespoons of water
The filling:
1 cup of sharp cheddar
1/2 of swiss or gruyere
3-4 heaping tbsp of ricotta
1/4 tsp of powdered garlic
1 cup of broccoli
Start with the dough. Mix salt and flour together then begin slowly adding water one tablespoon at a time. As you start to mix dough will look like little crumbs continue to add water until ball is formed. Wrap in plastic wrap and let set in refrigerated for one hour. This will make the dough fabulously easy to work with.
The filling is easy to do, just toss all the cheese and the garlic into the bowl and mix it. The ricotta will act as a sort of binder, letting the cheese be more workable. Roll out the dough to your desired thickness. Like the samosa, cut the dough into about a 4 square inch peice, and then roll it out a little more. Place 2 heaping tablespoons of the cheese mixture onto the dough, and then place 3-5 pieces of broccoli on top, depending on how much can fit and still close well. Again, like the samosa, make sure the seems are well sealed. You're not gonna fry it, but leaking cheese tends to lead to burning. When you've run out of wrapper or filling, place them all on a greased pan. Spray the top of the rolls too, and then shake a small amount of Parmesan onto them. It creates a great crust. Put into the oven at a 375 degree heat till the top starts to crisp. Flip them and let them in the over till the bottom crisps up to a golden brown.
When done take them off the pan and let them sit and cool for about ten minutes.
Then eat and enjoy!
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